Sunday, October 07, 2007

I walk right through the door, Walk right through the door

Well I didn't get caught
The other day I am at HEB, and I am looking at Halloween finery, you know false eyelashes, black lipstick, that sort of thing. I picked out some cool looking eyelashes, lipstick, and I was debating on the eyeliner.

On one hand, I have these big cool eyelashes/On the other I could use it to draw swirls or stars or something in the corners of my eyes.
But I don't need it/But stars!

You get the idea. So I put it in the cart and continue my internal debate up to the self checkout. As you know, I never do anything alone, and my little unwitting partner in crime is acting up. I put him in the big part of the cart and give him specific instructions that mommy needs all the groceries in the bin in the back of the cart moved to the front of the cart and then moved back & forth at least 5 times. He happily complies, and by the time it's our turn to checkout he is ready to hand me the groceries. While in line I was contemplating "forgetting" the eyeliner in the front basket and just walking out. I mean it's only 99 cents, is the store really going to miss it? Then I immediately feel bad and decide to pay. Well Bug is handing me our food, one item at a time and he's at the end.

"Bug, is there anything left?" knowing full well that the eyeliner is in the cart still.

Bug says nothing, he's 19 months old and doesn't talk much to us non doggies. So I pay and I WALK OUT hot eyeliner still in the cart!

I felt absolutely awful the whole ride home. Convinced myself that I would get an eye infection or lose a finger or some other form of cosmic pay back. I felt guilty this morning, and this afternoon. So guilty that I went back to the store today for pitas, snuck the eyeliner back in and paid for it in full.